Quick tip: Easy npm updates
A quick tip to easily update npm packages.
A quick tip to easily update npm packages.
Recent site updates. Improvements for header, navigation, performance, and fonts.
A new page is up! Created a new page that I've wanted for the longest time; colophon. It describes how this website was created.
A quick walkthrough on setting up linting & formatting checks using stylelint, eslint, and prettier.
How I created the blog and lessons learned. The intro blog post was 184 characters (31 words) or so the character/word count tool tells me. Despite the low word count, a lot of work went into creating the blog. More than I had originally anticipated.
When I originally implemented AstroJS it was on version 0.20.12, when I came back it was already in 1.0.0-beta.36. This post describes the issues and solutions in updating this little site.
This is where I'll share things like what I've learned, things I've worked on, and improve my writing skills at the same time.