
  • Release 3.6.0

    Recent site updates. Improvements for header, navigation, performance, and fonts.

  • Colophon

    A new page is up! Created a new page that I've wanted for the longest time; colophon. It describes how this website was created.

  • Making the blog

    How I created the blog and lessons learned. The intro blog post was 184 characters (31 words) or so the character/word count tool tells me. Despite the low word count, a lot of work went into creating the blog. More than I had originally anticipated.

  • Updating to AstroJS 1x beta

    When I originally implemented AstroJS it was on version 0.20.12, when I came back it was already in 1.0.0-beta.36. This post describes the issues and solutions in updating this little site.

  • The blog

    This is where I'll share things like what I've learned, things I've worked on, and improve my writing skills at the same time.