Making the blog
The intro blog post was 184 characters (31 words) or so the character/word count tool tells me. Despite the low word count, a lot of work went into creating the blog. More than I had originally anticipated.
Initially this website was created with static HTML/CSS. It only existed to describe myself and show a few select pieces of work. There were brief times I wanted to re-do it using a more flashy technology, but the site was fast and did everything it was supposed to do. There wasn’t much benefit of recreating it in a framework when I wasn’t going to do any active development on it.
In August of 2021 I discovered AstroJS and was immediately drawn to it. The freedom the framework offered and I was impressed by how easy it was to get started. I needed to implement it on my site.
I decided that if I wanted to implement a framework I needed to get serious about developing on this site. I created issues issues to track work. Major features have their own pull request. I even have releases to capture the history of the site.
May 28, 2022
The original date of the GitHub issue for creating the blog. That’s 22 days ago from when the blog originally launched.
When I created the issue I understood there’d be a lot of things I’d need to figure out and of course like anything in development there were bumps in the road.
Things like:
- Re-familiarizing myself with AstroJS
- Upgrading AstroJS —
! - Creating a basic styleguide to standardize styles
- Planning and creating the actual blog
- Dealing with dates in JavaScript
- Improving navigation so it shows current page (even if it’s nested like this one)
- Refactoring markup to be more semantic
- Other accessibility improvements
Upgrading astro
In my day to day work we take security very seriously. Part of that is constantly looking at our dependencies and making sure they’re up-to-date. Before any serious development started on this new blog I needed to make sure all of my dependencies were up-to-date. You can read more about updating astro in this blog post - Updating to Astro 1x beta
Creating a basic styleguide
So now with an up-to-date environment I could finally re-familiarize myself with the design of the site. I migrated to SASS modules a few months before. There was a lot of work done that I wasn’t completely happy with. I still have an issue open for a complete refactor of the SASS, but one problem at a time.
I created this initial styleguide to take an inventory of what I had available and what I needed to adjust or remove.
If I was going to start adding more to the site I needed a solid foundation of styles. Specifically spacing and sizing tokens. Then those required their own SASS functions so I could use them easily in my SASS. I didn’t want to start implementing features and get burned out because the basics required rewrites.
An example of tokens in SASS
ul {
margin-top: units(4);
This gets a value from a predefined list of spacing units, strips the px
unit, and finally converts it to rem
units. So now my spacing and sizing is consistent.
Creating the blog sections
With a working environment and some solid basic styles in place, I was excited to start creating the blog. I knew I needed to create two pages.
- A page collecting all posts
- Pages for individual posts
I know Astro offers scaffolding several types of projects, but since I had gone with the bare bones setup in the beginning I didn’t want to scrap my work.
What was really helpful was the astro examples in their GitHub repo, specifically:
So I created a new folder called blog
with a post
directory inside for markdown files.
I also created some basic reusable layouts for cleaner and more reusable templates.
A basic layout for creating a page looks like this:
// layouts/Base.astro
import MainHead from "../components/MainHead.astro";
import Nav from "../components/Nav/index.astro";
import Footer from "../components/Footer/index.astro";
const { title } = Astro.props;
<html lang="en">
<MainHead title={ title } />
<a href="#main-content" class="skip-link">Skip to content</a>
<header id="top" class="main-header" role="banner">
<div class="main-header__inner wrap">
<Nav />
<main id="main-content">
<div class="wrap">
<slot />
<Footer />
And you can re-use in another astro component like so:
// Example template
import Base from "./Base.astro";
<!-- Set a custom page title -->
<Base title={ content.title }>
<!-- Set the header based on frontmatter title -->
<h1>{ content.title }</h1>
<!-- Slot is where the rest of the content will fit in -->
<slot />
Thanks to layouts I was able to reuse page markup to create a simple layout for individual blog posts.
// layouts/BlogPostBase.astro
import Base from "./Base.astro";
const { content } = Astro.props;
let timestamp = new Date(;
<Base title={ content.title }>
<h1>{ content.title }</h1>
<time datetime={ timestamp.toISOString() }>{ }</time>
<slot />
allows me to have pure markdown posts, I just need specify what layout I want to use.
// pages/blog/post/
layout: ../../../layouts/BlogPostBase.astro
title: The blog
date: June 10, 2022
description: This is where I'll share things like what I've learned, things I've worked on, and improve my writing skills at the same time.
The reason for creating this is mostly selfish. I want to improve my writing skills, share what I've learned, and things I've worked on.
Plus, writing in markdown is surprisingly fun!
Dealing with dates
If you look at the example above you’ll see a date entry. That’s used in blog listings and posts in a <time />
element. This is intentional and is part of the push for more semantic markup on the site. It was also a good refresher on working with dates with native javascript.
The <time />
represents a specific point in time. You can have a human readable date inside, but you need to specify a valid timestamp in the datetime
Initially I used date.toDateString()
to get something like Sun Jun 19 2022
. This was great until I realized that it was showing the incorrect date. The toDateString()
function didn’t include a timezone or additional data, so it wasn’t returning an accurate date. What worked was switching to toISOString()
for the timestamp instead of trying to prettify the date.
Yes, I could’ve used a date library to handle all of this. If I did that then I wouldn’t have learned anything and I’d have yet another dependency to worry about.
Accessibility updates
Accessibility is important to me. This site is still a work in progress, but I felt I needed to dedicate an accessibility pass to all components I touched.
Some work involved
- Removing unnecessary roles (like banner on header element)
- Adding aria attributes to navigation dropdown
- Ensure the use of semantic markup
One of my goals is to integrate automated accessibility testing so I can make sure the site stays accessible.
As you can see from this long writeup a lot of work went into this blog. I enjoyed the challenge and appreciate the lessons learned!
Looking forward to improving the site over time and writing more about what I’ve learned. Thanks for reading.