Setting up linting & formatting

Note This post was originally published May 12, 2023. I’ve since updated it after a major Eslint version update.

A quick walkthrough on setting up linting & formatting checks using stylelint, eslint, and prettier. Whether your working solo or on a team setting up linting and formatting is important. Benefits of doing this:

  1. Easily catch errors before they happen.
  2. Set consistent style rules to follow best practices.
  3. Learn best practices for modern workflows.
  4. Improve the overall quality of your work.

Getting started

To get started we’re going to install a few NPM packages.

I’m going to be following the ESLint Quickstart guide.

Dependencies we’re going to install:

  • eslint
  • eslint-config-prettier
  • prettier
  • stylelint
  • @18f/identity-stylelint-config ⏤ I need this one for work, but they’re good rules.

Install the packages with the following NPM command:

 npm init @eslint/config@latest

Working through the options, I’m going to select problems option with JavaScript modules because I use vanilla JS.

 npm init @eslint/config@latest
  Need to install the following packages:
  Ok to proceed? (y) y
  @eslint/create-config: v1.3.1

 How would you like to use ESLint? · problems
  ? What type of modules does your project use?
 JavaScript modules (import/export)
    CommonJS (require/exports)
    None of these

Create config files

The init command above automatically creates a eslint.config.mjs config for me.

I’m going to add the ESLint integration for prettier to avoid conflicts between them.

 npm i -S -D eslint-config-prettier

Adding scripts

Save yourself some time and write some NPM scripts to quickly test and fix issues.

// package.json
"scripts": {
  "lint": "npm run lint:sass & npm run lint:js",
  "lint:js": "npx eslint './src/**/*.js'",
  "lint:sass": "npx stylelint '**/*.scss'",
  "lint:fix:js": "npx eslint --fix './src/**/*.js'",
  "lint:fix:sass": "npx stylelint --fix '**/*.{sass,scss}'",
  "prettier": "npx prettier --check './src/**/*.{css,scss,sass,js}'",
  "prettier:fix:js": "npx prettier --write './src/**/*.js'",
  "prettier:fix:sass": "npx prettier --write '**/*.{sass,scss}'",

It might look like a lot, but we’re setting up tests for:

  1. Linting
  2. Test formatting
  3. Fixing issues

That’s it! You can now test locally or in a [CI] workflow

*[CI]: Continuous Integration